
1. “Time Capsule” by Ideas With Ink

  1. Our Shop paperback
  2. Kindle ebook
  3. Amazon paperback
  4. Red Tuque Books, Chapters/Indigo/Coles and other fine retailers in Canada and USA

2. The Poetic Novel “nothing”” by Ideas With Ink.

3. Poetic Story for 8-12 year olds “The Dragon in the Glass Ball” by  Ideas With Ink

4. The Chapter book for Grades 3-7 “The Russian Journal” , Volume 1 from the “Travel Journal Series” by Bella Novikova, illustrations by Maryna Salagub, edited by Ideas With Ink.

5. The Children’s Book ages 6 – 10 “Why Am I Vegetarian?”, Story One from the “Tiger Family Stories” by Mama Bear and  Ideas With Ink, illustrations by Julia Naurzalijeva.

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